In the context of this Hire Agreement,
Mary Agate Hall, Wavendon Road, Milton Keynes, MK17 8DD
The Hirer shall mean the person who has booked and paid for the services
The Premises shall mean the area of areas of Mary Agate Hall that the Hirer has agreed to Hire
This hire agreement constitutes permission only to use the Premises and confers no tenancy or other right of occupation on the Hirer.
The Hirer must be aged 18 years or over and agrees not to sublet or transfer this booking to any other person or organisation.
No booking will be deemed confirmed until Mary Agate Hall has received:
A completed online booking from the Hirer
For larger bookings a non-refundable booking deposit may be required, 25% of the hire charge with a minimum deposit of £20.00
A surety deposit may be charged and is used as a guarantee against damage to the property, breakages and the breach of any of the conditions of this agreement. Providing everything is in order at the end of the hire period AND following a satisfactory inspection by Mary Agate Hall, this deposit will be refunded within 28 days.
The hire charges, less any deposit already paid, must be paid in full at least 14 days PRIOR to hire period. Failure to pay the remaining hire charges on time will result in automatic cancellation of the booking and the forfeiture of any deposits already paid.
The Hirer shall have use of the Premises during the hours stated on this Hire Agreement and shall vacate the Premises promptly at, or before, the end of the hire period. Setting up, clearing away, cleaning and tidying MUST be carried out DURING the HIRE PERIOD. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the surety deposit.
The Hirer must leave the Premises clean and tidy and all equipment stored as required. Floors must be swept; toilets and sinks must be left clean and tidy. Tables are to be wiped over and returned to the designated store room; chairs are to be stacked. General rubbish must be bagged in the black sacks and placed in the wheelie bin provided or taken away. Recyclable rubbish must be placed in the recycling bin or taken away. Broken glass must be wrapped before disposal. No liquids to be emptied into the bin.
Before vacating the Premises, the Hirer must ensure that the heating, water taps and lights are switched off, and all doors are securely closed.
The Hirer is liable for the costs of any addiÂtional cleaning, together with damage and breakage that occurs during the hiring period.
The Premises shall be used for community purposes only and shall not be used as the Hirer's postal address.
No illegal nor immoral activities are permitted to take place on the Premises, and the Hirer shall ensure compliance with all the relevant legislation, orders, regulations and licenses.
If the Hirer intends to use the Premises for a licensable activity, including the sale of liquor, then the Hirer must obtain the relevant licenses prior to the event. The Hirer MUST advise Mary Agate Hall that the Hirer intends to apply for such a license before an application is submitted. A copy of this license must be provided to Mary Agate Hall before the start of the hire period and must be displayed at all times during the event. Failure to do so will result in the event being canceled.
All music and/or dancing MUST STOP at 11.30pm in order to comply with environmental regulations.
The Hirer, or the Hirer’s invitees or visitors, must not cause annoyance or nuisance to local residents or adjoining occupiers by the playing of loud music, parking in front of driveways etc.
No alterations or additions shall be made to the Premises without the written consent of Mary Agate Hall and any such work shall be completed at the Hirer's cost and to Mary Agate Hall’s satisfaction.
Decorations, notices or similar MUST NOT be fixed to painted walls by any means nor by staples to the notice boards. Decorations and notices may be only fixed to the notice boards with drawing pins, or to gloss paintwork with blue-tack, and MUST be removed before vacating the Premises. Any damage to plaster, woodwork or notice boards will be deducted from the Hirer’s surety deposit.
No advertising or publicity material will be displayed inside or outside the building without the prior approval of Mary Agate Hall.
With the exception of guide dogs, no animals or birds will be allowed on the Premises.
It shall be the responsibility of the Hirer to effect adequate Public Liability Insurance to cover risks arising out of the use of the Premises by the Hirer and or the Hirer's invitees or visitors.
The Hirer will indemnify Mary Agate Hall against any loss, damage, claim or expense however arising, caused, or occasioned durÂing the Hirer's use of the Premises.
The number of persons using the hall at any time must not exceed 80 persons seated or 120 persons standing.
The Hirer is deemed to be the ‘Responsible Person’ within the context of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order) Order 2000, unless the Hirer notifies Mary Agate Hall in writing of the nomination of another person who will be present during the period of hire. It is the duty of the Responsible Person to:
Familiarize themselves with the fire escape routes, and the locations and operation of the fire alarm call points
Ensuring that all fire escape routes are kept clear of any obstructions
Establishing a suitable means of contacting the emergency services
In the event of a fire, ensure that the fire alarm is sounded, the hall evacuated and the fire brigade summoned.
All equipment can only be used within the facility and must not be removed.
Mary Agate Hall accepts no responsibility for any equipment or property brought onto or left at the Premises and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded.
The Hirer must not leave belongings or equipment on the Premises without the written consent of Mary Agate Hall and any items left in the building with Mary Agate Hall’s approval are left at the owner's risk. Any belongings left in the Premises without prior agreement from Mary Agate Hall will be treated as abandoned and may be disposed of by Mary Agate Hall and charge the Hirer daily storage fees and costs incurred in storing and selling or otherwise disposing of the same.
If the Hirer cancels the booking 14 days or more before the commencement of the hire period, the Hirer will only forfeit the non-refundable booking deposit. If the Hirer cancels the booking less than 14 days before the commencement of the hire period, the Hirer will forfeit 50% of the total hire charge in addition to the non-refundable booking deposit.
Mary Agate Hall reserves the right to cancel a hiring by written notice to the Hirer in the event of the Premises being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election or by-election or referendum or, the Hall reasonably considers that:
Such hiring may lead to a breach of the licensing conditions, or other legal or statutory requirements, or unlawful or unsuitable activities may take place at the Premises as a result of the hiring, or the Premises have become unfit for the use intended by the Hirer.
In any such case the Hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any deposit or hire fees already paid, but the Hall shall not be liable for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages whatsoever. Mary Agate Hall reserves the right to cancel the hiring if the Hirer breaks any of these conditions and the Hirer will forfeit any deposits paid.