This years MacMillan & Action Against Cancer Charity Breakfast was held at the Mary Agate Hall, in Salford village. This year was its 18th year anniversary of holding the event. The turnout was amazing with so many people turning up to show their support, it's always nice to see everyone coming together as a community for a very worthy cause.
The raffle prizes looked amazing this year again, the displays were laid out beautifully for all to feast their eyes upon. Great to see all the bikers to turn up and lining up the road, made a great exhibition for all, whilst everyone had their breakfasts.
As ever the organisation was flawless by the Hulcote and Salford villagers, who all volunteer their time to bring together such a great event each year. The event continues to grow from year to year, past two years have been very difficult for many with the pandemic and many of us having suffered personal losses of loved ones and/or friends over that time also, so an event such as this brings it home for many.
Mary Agate Hall
Huge thank you to everyone who came along and supported us - I am so, so pleased to announce that we raised £4,625 which has been split 50/50 with MacMillan Cancer Support and Action Against Cancer. Two incredible charities.
Traditionally we hold this event every year on the last Friday of September but next year will be different - our date is Friday 22nd September....please put that date firmly in your diaries.....once more the biggest thank you to everyone who bought a cake, bacon roll, cup of tea, raffle ticket, donated cakes & raffle prizes and of course not forgetting the amazing helpers ....this event cannot happen without you all - THANK YOU, LINDA x